BEAUTIFUL YOU with Becca Starr
Becca Starr shares strategies and inspiration to help you run a highly profitable, heart-centered business. Get more clients and build confidence when you use the 4-Step Marketing Plan that led Becca to become an industry expert and pioneer as a spa owner in Connecticut and one of Los Angeles’ first mobile spa founders. Practical, proven tips to build a brand that sets you apart from all other competitors. Build a successful self-concept, entrepreneur strategy, and action plan so that you can live a life you love.

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
SPA + MASSAGE BIZ: Double Your List by Valentine‘s Day | Ep 63
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Valentine's Day Marketing Plan 2019
Do what you did last year if the results were positive. Just rinse and repeat, keep it simple.
If you're just starting out or seeking some sturdier advice, put together something simple, share about it on social media, and get on with your day.
For right now, you truly only have to focus on what I’m going to offer you today. It's not the high hopes of one holiday that will make your business a successful and thriving spa.
Focus On Getting More Clients Right Now
In order to get more clients, you need to be part of a conversation. You need to be focused on building relationships.
Relationships that only go one-way when you do a big holiday push or seasonal promotion, that’s not really a relationship, that’s traditional sales. If you want to truly grow your business then let's commit to authentic marketing.
You Have an Amazing Opportunity connect with so many people because of the Internet - that includes through your website, your email list, and on social media. The 3 of these are what I talk about in Episode 63.
When you're done listening, please comment below to tell me what you're going to do first - the brainstorm of topics, the event, the PDF - which one will you commit to right now?
Tell us below, what are you going to do TODAY, my friend?
PS..If you don't have some of the structure in place for your website, email list, blog, etc. Start with these companies. They're my affiliate links but they are TRIED AND TRUE - I've tested ALL the options out there and personally, I find these to be the best of the best.
Remember, if you aren't set up for these simple structures, you need to be.
I offer free breakthrough calls for new clients and if getting your basic online structure in place will help you the most on that call, let's do it.
Everything I teach you will be assuming you have this all set up so we can focus on the GOOD STUFF!
ConvertKit (Email Service Provider)
Kajabi (Website, Blog, and so much more)
Free Breakthrough Call (1st Time Clients)

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
SPA + MASSAGE BIZ: How to Build a Celebrity Client List | Ep 64
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
SPA OWNER SERIES: Ready to grow your client list to high profile customers? It's a smart goal for many reasons! Find out more in this episode, and at

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Start TODAY and end the year STRONG.
4 Simple Offers to make sure you have on your site.
How to BUILD CONNECTION with your followers so they're eager to buy when you promote your special offers.
EXACTLY what to say in your Social Media posts and emails - keep it simple and use this framework!
This episode is packed full of strategy and tips so grab your notebook and get ready to jump into ACTION!!
Please share and subscribe! Thanks so much for listening!

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
SPA + MASSAGE BIZ: Scale Your Healing Business in 2021 (it‘s a MUST) | Ep 72
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Growing your massage, spa or healing business in 2021 is mandatory, friends!
One on one services are not guaranteed, and if 2020 taught us nothing at all it's that you need a back up plan.
It's time to create income generators that work while you're sleeping (or quarantined!)
This episode reveals all the strategies I used to leverage my spa business in a small Connecticut town AND Los Angeles, CA.
The golden nugget is about halfway through though and I don't want you to miss it, grab a pen or your phone to capture any ideas that come to you while you're listening.
Please let me know which idea you'll implement FIRST in 2021.
For more step-by-step guidance, visit
To join our FREE 4-Week Passion to Profit course:
Thanks for listening, please leave a *****REVIEW***** and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE 🦋🦋🦋

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
SPA + MASSAGE BIZ: Should I Open (or Add) Mobile Spa Services? | Ep 73
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
I'm answering ALL your questions about starting a Mobile Spa or Massage Business! Anything you need to consider about this type of business is talked about in this episode, enjoy!

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
SELF-HELP: Make a Fresh Start
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Wondering what to do when you're at a crossroads, or how to make better decisions? Tired of the same story repeating itself, like you're stuck on a hamster wheel?
Everything that's happening NOW is a creation of decisions made already. This is good news! You can make different decisions and change your results.
In today's episode we talk about HOW to do that, exactly.

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
"Heart-Centered" Entrepreneurs sounds great but how will that really affect your bottom line? If you have the courage to actually follow your heart, you will be able to make decisions easier, feel more confident and purposeful, and yes, make the money you desire!
Listen for the ONE QUESTION to ask yourself when fear comes up for you.
Thanks for subscribing and sharing!
P.S. My apologies for the shouting at different parts of this episode, this is a topic I'm clearly passionate about ;)
Resources Mentioned:
Master Your Mindset:

Monday Jan 10, 2022
ENTREPRENEUR: What You Need To Know When Starting Your Business | Ep 75
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
I WISH someone told me these 3 things when I started my own business 20 years ago! For more resources, visit